Monday, July 16, 2007

Unit 3 Ethical Issue- Exercise

Obesity and Physical Exercise
Physical exercise has many benefits: improving muscular strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, preventing plaque buildup in blood vessels, preventing certain types of cancer, improving bone density (good prevention against osteoporosis). Exercise not only has beneficial physical effects, but also psychological effects. It can relieve depression, raise self esteem and even help some people sleep better at night. With all these positive effects to exercise (along with eating healthier as previously discussed) why are we living in an era of obesity.
Now a days it is being made easier for society to obtain things without working hard for them. Drive throughs with menus high in sugar and fat and down time filled with sitting and minimal activity. Obesity has become a side affect of a society that want's everything the quickest way possible while exerting the least amount of effort. Today there are tons of diet pills and surgeries on the market that are advertised in a way to seem like a quick fix. In reality, exercise takes time and dedication, but the benefits can be long lasting and life lengthening. Also in todays society, it seems that people are working alot more and when they have time off they want to spend it relaxing. Fewer people are spending time outdoors and more time with sedentary entertainment.
No matter the reasons everyone has the ability to make personal choices. Some countries are trying to encourage physical activity and healthier lifestyles which is a change in positive direction, but people are going to have to make the decision to participate in these changes. It is much easier to put exercise off or make excuses, but even light activity every day (taking the stairs instead of the elevator) can have a positive effect and become part of daily routine. Personally I have to make a conscious effort to make time to work out weekly. Between working 72 hours a week and other commitments every week there are many times the last thing I want to do is go to the gym; so I mix it up. In the mornings when I get off work, before I can sit down and fall asleep I take my three great danes for a 2 mile walk. This is minimal work, but none the less it is still physical activity and I usually feel better when I am done. Pretty soon this type of thing is just habit and not something that has to be forced
In conclusion, there a numerous benefits to exercises and also numerous excuses why people don't do it. In the end, I feel that you can not just blame society, but the individuals in society,it comes down to personal motivation and people are going to have to take the first steps themselves to exercise, eat well and overall lead healthier lives.

Works Cited
Mader, Sylvia. Human Biology 10th ed
Modifying the Environment to Reduce Obesity

1 comment:

Amanda said...

what are the 2 best features of the essay? this essay is easy to follow and gives your opinion on the reason why obesity is a problem- our lack of'motivation'
what are the 2 things that could most be improved? nothing. its an exemplary essay.
what is something new that the essay made you reflect upon? this isn't new, but i agree with the busy lives most of us lead- therefore many put physical activites on the back burner.
what most surprised you in the essay? after reading this essay I concluded you feel, it's not society that is the problem with obesity but rather the individual. I would agree with you to some point, but society is the one that supplies many individuals with their downfall-food.